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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Ballot Measures and Voter Pamphlet Archives

A common request at the Oregon State Law library is for information about past voter measures. A great source of information about past elections including voter measures is the voter pamphlet. These pamphlets contain prepared pro and con arguments and a short description of the measure.
The SOLL has a print collection of Marion and Multnomah County voter pamphlets covering the years from 1902 to 2004.

Oregon’s voter pamphlets are also available online through the Oregon State Library here:

You can also find our California and Washington voter’s pamphlets online as well.

·         California

·         Washington State

Friday, July 1, 2016

Texas Abortion Clinic Law and SCOTUS in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.

On June 27th the Supreme Court of the United States delivered it's opinion and ruling in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.

The court stuck down a 2013 Texas law that ostensibly proposed to regulation abortion clinics in that state. Justice Breyer, writing for the majority, found the medical justification for the regulations unconvincing.
that neither of these provisions offers medical benefits sufficient to justify the burdens upon access that each imposes.
 The New York Times discussed the effect the ruling would have on abortion clinics in Texas and the recent trends throughout the country.

ScotusBlog has posted several articles on the case and has soliceted pro and con responses from all sides of the issue in a symposium segment.


Friday, June 24, 2016

Complete Federal Register available online for free

The Law Library of Congress has acquired HeinOnline’s Federal register collection. This collection includes 14,586 issues covering March 14th, 1936 (1 Fed Reg. 1) to December 30th, 1993 (58 Fed Reg. 69169). Combined with the GPO’s collection the entire Federal Register is available for free online.
In addition to the new Law Library of Congress collection the GPO’s own scanning project continues apace.
The Federal Register is a daily publication that is the official source of legal information from the Executive Branch of the United States Government. The Federal Register contains:
  • Federal Agency Regulations
  • Proposed Rules and Public Notices
  • Executive Orders, Presidential Proclamations and other Presidential Documents
If you are interested in researching the history of a federal regulation this blog post on the Law Library of Congress blog In Custodia Legis is an excellent guide.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Non-stop Hamilton: On Stage and in the Law

Some of us here at SOLL have been listening to a lot of Hamilton recently – along with the rest of America! In light of the musical’s big night of Tony wins last weekend, we thought some of you might like to delve a little deeper into the life of the ten-dollar founding father. Below are some featured titles from SOLL’s collection that examine Hamilton's relationship with the law. Come visit us at the library and check them out!

HAMILTON: “I practiced the law, I practically perfected it...”

The law practice of Alexander Hamilton : documents and commentary / Julius Goebel, Jr., editor. Associate editors, Francis K. Decker, Jr. ... [et al.]

This five-volume set reproduces Hamilton’s legal papers, accompanied by extensive contextual essays and annotations. “This documentary reconstruction of Hamilton’s professional life has been designed with two ends in view: to establish what his professional capacities were, and to chronicle what his contributions to the growth of the law may have been,” writes editor Julius Goebel, Jr. in the preface. The books are organized by subject, from practice and procedure to criminal cases to real property, with introductory commentary at the beginning of each grouping, followed by the annotated documents.

BURR: “Hamilton, at the Constitutional Convention, there as a New York junior delegate, goes and proposes his open form of government!”

The records of the Federal convention of 1787 / edited by Max Farrand.

A full outline of Hamilton’s plan in the above-reference speech -- which was soundly rejected by the Congress -- is included here. This set of four volumes collected and reprinted all available notes and texts relating to the Convention from a variety of archival sources.

Alexander Hamilton and the Constitution / Clinton Rossiter.

This in-depth study examines Hamilton’s contributions to the United States Constitution, from his work prior to Convention of 1787 to his continuing relevance in its interpretation.

It is interesting to note that author Clinton Rossiter, writing in 1963, points out many of the same themes that Lin-Manuel Miranda emphasizes in his modern-day musical. “Alexander Hamilton is still the least known and most misunderstood major figure in American history, a man in plain if not desperate need of a fresh appraisal,” Rossiter writes in the preface. He goes on to say, “I undertook this study not to celebrate Hamilton but to understand him; I ended with the conviction that to understand him is to celebrate him, if not necessarily to love him.”

HAMILTON: “A series of essays, anonymously published, defending the document of the public…”

The Federalist : a commentary on the Constitution of the United States, being a collection of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay in support of the Constitution agreed upon September 17, 1787

The Federalist : a classic on federalism and free government / Gottfried Dietze

Much has been written about the Federalist, also known as the Federalist Papers. This series of 85 essays, authored by Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, defend the strong central government outlined in the newly-drafted U.S. Constitution, and continue to be cited by the U.S. Supreme Court. Read the essays in full, or check out legal scholar Gottfried Dietze’s 1961 analysis for some historic perspective.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

West KeyRules, a helpful checklist for filing motions.

Filing a motion or pleading in a court can be a daunting task. Keeping track of the timing and rules applicable to your motion can be especially difficult if you are unfamiliar with the particular court.

Westlaw is here to help. West's KeyRules collects all the procedural rules applicable to a large number of state and federal court motions. All the rules, formatting and timing you'll need are right at your fingertips IN EXHAUSTIVE DETAIL! 

Each motion section contains the following sections:
  1. A Checklist
  2. Timing 
  3. General Requirements
  4. Documents
    1. Required Documents
    2. Supplemental Documents
  5. Format
  6. Filing and Service Requirements
  7. Hearings
  8. Forms
  9. Applicable Rules
SOLL has the Oregon KeyRules in print in our refernce section. 

You can also access the KeyRules using Westlaw. Westlaw is available to the public on terminals in our library. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

It's Primary Election Time!

It's primary election time in Oregon.

If you have registered to vote you should have received your primary ballot already. If you have not contact your county elections office right away.

2016 Oregon Primary Election Important Dates
If you have your ballot and are making up your mind you can review the voter pamphlet. You should have received a pamphlet in the mail but if you do not have one you can get them online. 
Once you've filled out the ballot you can mail it or drop it off at a drop box. Use the state drop box locator to find one near to you.

If you have not registered to vote remember you can register for the general election up to October 18th. Since Oregon is now a Motor Voter state you are automatically registered if you have a ID or license through the Oregon DMV. You can check your registration online at any time.

If you are not registered through the Motor Voter law you can register online

You can also register by mail or by visiting your local county elections office

If you are homeless or wish to apply to register without revealing your address you can do so using these instructions

Happy voting fellow Oregonians!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Oregon Appellate Court Oral Arguments -- Week of April 25th

The Oregon Supreme Court will not hear oral arguments the week of April 25th.

The Oregon Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on April 26th and 28th in the Supreme Court Courtroom.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

New Oregon Public Records Orders Database

The State of Oregon Law Library is excited to unveil a new online database of the Oregon Attorney General’s public records orders.

For those unfamiliar with public records orders, a person who has been denied the right to inspect or receive a copy of a public record of a state agency may submit a petition to the Attorney General. The Attorney General reviews the public record to determine if it may be withheld from public inspection and issues an order responding to the petition. Public records orders are the Attorney General's interpretation of the Oregon Public Records Law, ORS 192.410 to 192.505, as applied to the records being sought.

The new free public tool allows for full-text searching of orders issued 1981-present. The database also gives users advanced searching capabilities to locate statutes based on the petitioner’s name, the agency whose records are being sought, or the date issued. SOLL worked closely with the Oregon Department of Justice to provide online access to these documents.

Visit and explore the new database at:

For more information on Oregon Public Records and Meetings Law, please visit the Department of Justice Web site:

Friday, April 8, 2016

Oregon Reports Extras

Historical legal research is often vital to making a convincing legal argument. A point of law can often turn on a statute or rule that is decades old.

A particularly difficult area of this research is Oregon court rules. If you are lucky enough to well stocked library you may have access back to Merrill's 1981 manual of Oregon Civil procedure. Finding historical Oregon court rules prior to 1981 can be difficult.

The Oregon Reports can help! The official reporter of the Oregon Supreme Court published court rules staring with it's first volume in 1852. You can find Oregon Court rules through 1979 published alongside the court opinions. The Oregon Reports also contains a number of other interesting sets or rules. You can find the US District of Oregon court rules from 1862 and state circuit court rules from 1872.

It has also been the practice of the court to publish memorials to certain persons. Generally the court has included memorials of Justices and Judges of the Oregon appellate courts. There are a few other non-judicial memorials, including a memorial to the long serving State of Oregon Law Librarian Edward N. Gillingham. These memorials are interesting in themselves but also provide insight into the court's history.

I have compiled the work of Mary Bauman, Pat Zollner, Mary Yunker into a spreadsheet that details in what volumes you can find these useful records. Click on the link below to download the spreadsheet.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Irish Reporters

Saint Patrick's Day is a time for everyone to reflect on connections with Ireland and the Irish people. The Oregon State Law Library is no exception. Our library and the Oregon legal community has a ancient connection with Ireland. Oregon and Ireland share the legal tradition known as the Common Law.

It is a partial measure of the Common Law's grandeur that places so distant can share a mutually comprehensible conversation about a topic as intimate as the law. The State of Oregon Law Library even has a extensive collection of Irish caselaw reporters.

Here are the title pages from two reporters. Can you tell what is different about the two books and how it reflects on Irish history?

Monday, March 7, 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

SCOTUS Nomination Debate

The current vacancy on the United States Supreme Court has sparked a heated controversy between Republican Senators and the President. The President and Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa have each written blog posts on SCOTUSblog making their respective arguments. They make a concise and informative introduction to the controversy.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Bob and SCOTUS

Based on a poll of State of Oregon Law Library employees 100% of Oregonians love Bob Dylan! 

If this is true then we're in august company! A recent article in the New York Times notes that The Supreme Court of the United States regularly quotes and misquotes a certain Robert Zimmerman.

If you'd like to read more about the connection between America's bard and SCOTUS check out Alex Long's law review article The Freewheeling Judiciary: A Bob Dylan Anthology.

So how much influence does Bob have over our judiciary? As always the answer is blowing in the wind.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Presidential Document Sources

The President of the United States produces a large amount of papers and public documents. Finding these documents can sometimes be difficult. They are collected by organizations as varied as the National Archives, the Office of the Federal Register, and various presidential libraries.

A great place to start when looking for these documents is The American Presidency Project. This University of California hosted site has a wealth of presidential documents. The site archives includes the following collections:
If you are interested in the more ephemeral information contained in the presidential web page you may be interested in the following pages:

Friday, February 5, 2016

GovInfo Beta - FDsys' next generation replacement

The U.S. Government Publishing Office has long made a huge amount of government publications available online through it's FDsys database.

The GPO has just released their new website GovInfo to the public. GovInfo will eventually replace FDsys but for now it's still in beta.

All the documents available on FDsys are available right now through GovInfo's search interface. However they are still working on adding sources to the category and alphabetical indexes.

The site provides links to various other government resources as well. You may be familiar with government documents like the United States Code and the Federal Register. There are also links to less well known and useful sources like FRASER, The Federal Reserve's database of economic research; and PubMed, the National Institutes of Health's index of medical publications.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

LaFave's Criminal Procedure New 4th Edition now at the SOLL

The new 4th edition LaFave's Criminal Procedure is out. The new edition is more than a 1000 pages longer than the 3rd edition. The authors note in their preface:
In large part, this growth represents an effort on our part to take note of the changes that have occurred in the interim. During that period, the United States Supreme Court has decided a great many cases that, collectively, have changed further the character of our state and federal criminal justice systems. 
Stop by the SOLL to peruse the new edition of this excellent book. For Westlaw users the book is available online depending our your subscription.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Oregon Appellate Court Oral Arguments -- Week of January 4th

Happy New Year! The Oregon Court of Appeals starts the new year off with a heavy schedule of oral arguments. The Court of Appeals will be hearing arguments in the Supreme Court Courtroom from 1/5 to 1/8.

The Oregon Supreme Court will not hear any oral arguments this week.