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Thursday, January 14, 2016

LaFave's Criminal Procedure New 4th Edition now at the SOLL

The new 4th edition LaFave's Criminal Procedure is out. The new edition is more than a 1000 pages longer than the 3rd edition. The authors note in their preface:
In large part, this growth represents an effort on our part to take note of the changes that have occurred in the interim. During that period, the United States Supreme Court has decided a great many cases that, collectively, have changed further the character of our state and federal criminal justice systems. 
Stop by the SOLL to peruse the new edition of this excellent book. For Westlaw users the book is available online depending our your subscription.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Oregon Appellate Court Oral Arguments -- Week of January 4th

Happy New Year! The Oregon Court of Appeals starts the new year off with a heavy schedule of oral arguments. The Court of Appeals will be hearing arguments in the Supreme Court Courtroom from 1/5 to 1/8.

The Oregon Supreme Court will not hear any oral arguments this week.